Locating Pipelines
Pipeline Rights-of-Way and Pipeline Location
A pipeline follows a narrow, clear stretch of land, called a right-of-way, which allows our employees and contractors to access the pipeline for inspections, maintenance, testing, and emergencies.
Pipeline rights-of-way must be kept free from structures and other obstructions to allow access to the pipeline. Pipelines are patrolled from the air and the ground, and obstructions prevent proper inspections.
You can find the general location of the Sabal Trail pipeline near you by looking for a pipeline marker. The marker will typically provide the pipeline operator’s name, the contents of the pipeline, and an emergency phone number. If an emergency is suspected or discovered, call the number on the pipeline marker.
While markers play an important role in identifying pipelines, they are not used to give exact locations and should not be an alternative to dialing 811. Markers should never be removed or relocated by anyone other than a pipeline operator.
National Pipeline Mapping System
The National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS) is an online mapping system created to educate the public about pipelines in their community. Enter your ZIP code and NPMS provides a list of pipelines, their location, general commodities transported, and operator contact information.
Pipeline and facilities located near you
You can find out where pipelines are in your area by going to the National Pipeline Mapping System website.